Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Breaking News, Giraffes Made The I-35 Bridge Collapse (originally posted 8/8/07)

Giraffes shipped to a zoo in Shanghai were hauled across the I35 bridge over the Mississippi in 1972. The extra tall trailer containing the giraffes acted as a sail and caught high winds as it crossed the bridge and caused an unusual vibration. This vibration weakened bolt 1342A (in slot16D) causing it to break shortly after a tuna boat crossed under the bridge this week. The federal government will require giraffes to be shipped horizontally in the future to prevent another tragedy like this and there will be no more tuna fishing allowed on the Mississippi.

Makes about as much sense as the theories that are floating around on youtube and in the media. The tragedy is no joke. Minneapolis, you are in my prayers. However, the response from some people is absolutely absurd. I can't believe what people will say and I'm scared of what kind of assinine new laws will come out of this. Check out just two examples below of the absurd theories and accusations.

-Global warming caused it - Joseph Romm, former member of the Clinton Administration, and Melissa Hortman of the MN House of representatives. (It hit 90 degrees this summer, oh no the concrete and steel are melting!)

-Bush caused it - Lots of people on youtube posts, often followed with expletives (that helps make a point, right?!?!), Jesse Jackson (anyone surprised there?), etc. (Let's get back to government class, it's CONGRESS that writes bills to fund projects. Remember the bridge to nowhere in Alaska. http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2005-05-17-alaska-edit_x.htm Great article. Has anyone been cursing Don Young and blaming him for the bridge collapse? I didn't think so.)

Heard any other good ones?

As of today, the NTSB is suspecting design flaws in gusset plates. They are looking to see if the material was too weak or if the appropriate loads were miscalculated when the bridge was built - in 1967. Let's let NTSB make it's final analysis and cut out the nonsense.

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